Fire Curtain RETOM - Industrias Maquiescenic RETOM - Industrias Maquiescenic
Use and maintenance - Fire Curtain RETOM - Industrias Maquiescenic

Use and maintenance of fire curtain

In Industrias Maquiescenic we offer a specialized service maintenance; to do so, provide an analysis and diagnosis of the fire curtain, after the necessary improvements and propose specific preventive maintenance we can provide them in order that the facilities are safe and efficient.

All activities carried out by our teams, usually they remain registered with internal management programs.

In Industrias Maquiescenic, we want to continue offering the same facilities security levels and smooth operation when it was installed, for this, we remind the importance of conducting regular reviews by specialized technicians.

"The SAFETY and smooth FUNCTIONING depends on a proper state of repair of the same, because otherwise, could cause serious human and material damage"


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