Fire Curtain RETOM - Industrias Maquiescenic RETOM - Industrias Maquiescenic
Functioning - Fire Curtain RETOM - Industrias Maquiescenic

Operation of the fire curtain

The team motor drive assembly is required to operate fire curtain frame.

In emergency shot one of the buttons will release the blade drive assembly this fall by gravity. A brake retainer avoid accelerating it and ensure the smooth closing of the blade against the stage floor in time marking the C.T.E.

The hydraulic system of the power package is tasked to regulate the descent of the fire curtain is produced by gravity, as well as performing the speed reduction prior closing. These speeds are adjustable by operating in two sliders in the engine computer.

The team has a manual override in case of need, formed by a crank that allows fire curtain rise and a safety device that prevents the implementation of the engine while it is being manually handled.

Engine equipment has adjustable race end for attaching the ends of the vertical travel of the firewall curtains and safety position switches with mechanical to exceed either end locking described above.

The dashboard is generally walk the stage and has all the elements necessary for handling the fire curtain.

This table allows by operation of its various controls, firewall curtains raise, lower them by severity and check battery charge.

It has in turn pilot and indicative of the current function indicator lights. The box is connected to the network of the building fire, so the fire curtain automatically drops to any emergency situation.


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